School rules
It is a long established fact that a reade.
- A high degree of discipline is expected from the students.
- Regular attendance and punctuality should be maintained.
- Teachers and all members of the staff are to be respected at all times. Students are expected to behave in a proper and polite manner.
- Parents / Guardians are expected to show great interest in the progress of their ward.
- No student is allowed to leave the school premises earlier than the scheduled departure time.
- No book, magazine or newspaper of objectionable nature should be brought to school.
- Pupils are not permitted to wear expensive watches / gold jewellery or bring Mobile Phones and other expensive objects to school. The school declines any responsibility for articles lost or damaged in the school.
- The use of disposable plastic water bottles is discouraged.
- Parents/guardians are not permitted to visit the class rooms or interview the teachers during class hours or meet their sons / wards during the break, except with the permission of the Principal / Vice Principal.
- If any student wants to give a token birthday gift, he should give it to the students of his own class only and the cost of the gift should not exceed Rs. 5/-
- Parents should inform the School Authorities if their ward is suffering from any serious illness (e.g., heart disorder or epilepsy) chronic ailment, physical handicap or sensory defect.
- Students who have been absent from class must have the reason for absence entered in the ‘Regularity Record’ column of the School Calendar. After recovery from an infectious or contagious disease, a medical certificate must be produced stating explicitly that the student is fit to attend school. In case of illness exceeding 3 days, a medical prescription must be produced.
- Those who have been absent and those who come late should show the teacher-in-charge the entry in the column of ‘Regularity Record’, duly signed / countersigned by the Principal / Vice Principal to be admitted to class.
- Parents should write in the column of Regularity Record the reason for the student’s absence briefly and legibly with the parent’s full signature. Date(s) of absence should be written accurately and clearly without any overwriting.
- Prior permission of Principal / Vice Principal is required for taking leave for more than two days.
- Prior permission is required to attend special functions and for leave before or after any long holiday.
- A pupil who misses a written assignment / test will not be allowed to appear for the same at a later date. No guardian shall approach the teachers for re-test. If the absence is justified, the matter will be taken into account while deciding promotion. Parents are, therefore, requested not to send their wards to school if they are ill or recovering from an illness.
- The quarantine period prescribed by national or international health authorities (e.g., World Health Organization) is to be followed strictly for Covid-19 (14 days followed by a negative report of Covid test), chicken pox (21days), mumps, measles and other contagious diseases.
- Every student must develop strong work habits and independent learning skills. Boys must prepare their daily lessons at home, revise the subjects taught each day, and complete their assignments, projects and home works in time.
- Students should not stay in the classrooms or in the corridors outside class hours. At the second bell silence is to be kept. Strict silence has to be maintained during change of periods / teachers.
- Students must maintain proper haircut and wear clean and proper school uniform otherwise; they will not be allowed to attend classes. Students must come to School in PT Uniform on the days they have P.T.
- Students should keep the campus and the classrooms clean by not littering food/waste materials. Plastic/Polythene packets / pouches are strictly forbidden.
- On their way to and from school all the students are expected to behave in a gentlemanly manner.
- 75% of attendance in classes 9 -10 is required to appear for ICSE.
- No student should lay hands on another student. Throwing stones, sand, water bottles etc., beating up another student and other such acts of violence are strictly prohibited. As a consequence of violence, if an injured student starts bleeding or if any part of his body is swollen, the student who caused the injury shall be liable to come under strict disciplinary action including expulsion from school, depending on the seriousness of the injury.
- To prevent injury to the students as a result of unorganized games before class hours and during the tiffin break, students are not supposed to bring to school any sports items, like cricket bats, cricket balls (hard or soft), football, etc. The school will provide games items to the students as and when required.
- Students whose conduct shall be improper to the moral tone of the school or incompatible with overall discipline shall be liable to be dismissed. Forgery, tampering with marks, stealing, cheating, any form of obscenity, damaging or destroying school property, stubborn insubordination or violent behavioral acts may entail dismissal.
- If a student damages or destroys school property, compensation and a punitive fine shall be realized from his parents.
- An Academic Year is divided into two Terms. Each term has Terminal Exams of 80 marks.
- As part of mid-term academic assessment, there is one Unit Test of 20 marks in each Term.
- The test scores are aggregated term-wise and year-wise. At the end of the session, it determines the promotion of the student to the next grade and the annual academic awards are also determined by it.
- After the Terminal Exams and the Unit Tests, the answer scripts are shown to the student They may be shown to the parents on request.
- If any test is cancelled or postponed by the school due to unforeseen circumstances, prior information will be sent.
- Progress Reports are given to keep the parents informed of the behaviour and diligence of their ward. In case of any discrepancies with regard to the reports, it has to be taken up in time with the respective Teacher, Vice Principal or Principal.
- Computer Education is provided to all students of classes 2 to 10. It’s objective is to introduce computer as a tool to supplement and expand the learning experience through the use of educational and logic building programmes.
40.(Classes 9 & 10): If the project on a subject is not submitted in time, no marks shall be awarded for it.
- A student who fails in two consecutive classes or twice in the same class will be required to withdraw from the school. Pupils who are too old to repeat a class will also be required to withdraw.
- Promotion Criteria for class IX are as per Council norms.
- In the matter of promotion or failure, the Principal’s decision is final. Requests for reconsideration of a decision will not be entertained.
- All students are to abide by the rules and regulations of the school and obey the school authorities and teachers.
Other rules or alterations to the above rules may be issued from time to time by the school authorities.
- Application for admission in Primary and Secondary Sections must be made to the Principal only.
- Regular admission is available in the KG section only. A student should be 4½ years old for admission to KG.
- Application forms for admission will be available on the dates announced on the school notice board and the school website. Detailed procedure and rules of admission will also be posted on the school notice board and school website.
- A candidate who has previously attended another school must produce a Transfer Certificate if admission is sought in higher classes, that is, above KG.
- If provisional admission is granted, parents will have to
- fill in the admission form,
- pay the admission fee,
- submit documentary evidence (one hospital certificate and one certificate of civil registration) of the declared date of birth of the applicant which thereafter will not be changed,
- submit an official documentary evidence of residential address.
- Failure to do any of the above or any discrepancy in the information provided, would entail cancellation of the admission even at a later stage.
- The Principal’s decision is final in all matters of admission.
- The school session is from April to March and consists of two Terms for classes KG – 10
- Before withdrawing a student from the school one full calendar months’ notice in writing must be given to the Principal by the guardians / parents.
- Transfer Certificates will be issued only after all dues are paid in full.